Store policy

  • Digital products are all shipped online, physical products are shipped in one to three working days in stock, and pre-orders are shipped in seven to fourteen working days.

  • Collisions during transportation are inevitable. If the outer packaging is scratched, damaged or peeled off, be sure to inform us in advance to avoid it. However, we still cannot guarantee the process. If the contents of the new product are defective, please contact us for assistance within the time limit. Special products are not included here. limit.

  • Please video the unboxing to ensure your own rights. The exceptions listed in the Consumer Protection Law do not apply to the seven-day appreciation period, and the seven-day appreciation period is not a trial period. Products must be complete, unused, or returned to a salable condition before they can be returned.

  • For permanent or time-sensitive digital product refund policy, please refer to the Terms of Service.

  • This store reserves the right to explain various discounts and activities organized or co-organized.
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